The History of the National Shrine of Mátraverebély-Szentkút according to the Historia Domus and Other Archival Sources

The History of the National Shrine of Mátraverebély-Szentkút according to the Historia Domus and Other Archival Sources conference has been organized on 17 October 2019 in Mátraverebély-Szentkút in the frame of the SKHU/1601/1.1/060 MONUMENTIS. The conference presented the newest results of the historia domus researches in Szentkút supported by the project for professionals and guests…

Project management meeting in Budapest

In the frame of the SKHU/1601/1.1/060 MONUMENTIS project, the third project management meeting has been held on 23th of September 2019, this time at the Fons Sacer headquarters in Budapest. In a pleasant atmosphere the representatives of Fons Sacer, the Slovakian partner and the project management company discussed the progress and the results of the…

Archival Sources on the History of Szentkút

Research is being done for months now as a preparation for the Historia Domus conference. With the help of colleagues the historian expert of the project is using not only the volumes of the ‘house history’ kept in the Hungarian Franciscan Library and Archives of Budapest, but also other source materials about Szentkút. A part…


As a result of the project Touristic Development of Franciscan Cultural Heritage Sites of the Border Area by the Cooperation of the Two Provinces (MONUMENTIS) (SKHU/1601/1.1/060) financed by the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme visitors have been provided new equipment in the medical room of the National Shrine of Szentkút. The new devices have been…


As a result of project implementation titled Touristic Development of Franciscan Cultural Heritage Sites of the Border Area by the Cooperation of the Two Provinces (MONUMENTIS) (SKHU/1601/1.1/060) within the Interreg V-A Slovakia-Hungary Cooperation Programme new garden tools have been purchased for the National Shrine of Szentkút, which contribute to making park maintenance work more efficient…